Submission link:
Research Objectives and Topics
The objective of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for information systems researchers and scholars interested in Asia Pacific issues to come together and build a dynamic community for open and constructive discussions, exchange of ideas, and promote research collaborations.
Possible topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Business and technology in AI age
- E-Government in a Digitized Society
- Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
- Enterprise Systems and Business Process Management
- Financial Information Systems (FinTech, Blockchain, Big data & Credit/Financial risks research, etc.)
- Controversial issues in IS design and application
- Information systems and neuroscience
- Design ground rules of human AI
- Legal and ethical issues of AI
- Green IS/IT and Sustainability
- Human Computer Interaction and User Experience
- Smart Cities, Smart Tourism, and Internet of Things
- IS Education and E-learning
- IS Implementation and Adoption
- IS in Healthcare
- IS Security and Privacy
- IS/IT and Open Innovation
- IS/IT in Mobile Business
- IS/IT Project Management and Outsourcing
- IS/IT Strategy, Leadership, and Governance
- Knowledge Management
- Service Science, Service Design, and User Experience
- Social Media and Business Impact
- ChatGPT
- IS issues in Asia Pacific countries
Submission & Publication
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
Completed research manuscripts (Full papers) should have completed analyses, documentation of results, and discussion of implications. Completed research manuscripts are usually close to journal submissions, but shorter. Authors of accepted papers in this category will present their study in one of the oral presentation sessions. Completed research papers must not exceed Sixteen (16) single-spaced pages and must conform to the AIS-SIG-ISAP submission template. The page limit covers everything in the submission, including title, text, tables, figures, appendices, and references. Submissions that exceed this limit will be automatically rejected.
Research-in-progress manuscripts (Posters) report research that is promising but incomplete. They are usually at the theorizing or analysis stage. Consequently, they generally include either no data analysis (for studies at the theorizing stage) or preliminary data analysis (for studies at the analysis stage). Authors of accepted papers in this category will need to prepare and bring poster- size presentations (in Large Type format) for discussion at an interactive session. Guidelines for poster presentation will be announced after the notification of paper acceptance. Research-in-progress papers must not exceed eight (8) single-spaced pages and must conform to the AIS-SIG-ISAP submission template. The page limit covers everything in the submission, including title, text, tables, figures, appendices, and references. Submissions that exceed this limit will be automatically rejected.
Abstract papers must not exceed three (3) single-spaced pages and must conform to the AIS-SIG-ISAP submission template. The page limit covers everything in the submission, including title and abstract.
The format of papers must follow the submission instructions. You can also download the AIS-SIG- ISAP Submission Template here. The submission deadline is May 10, 2024
Submission link:
Important Days
Submissions Due: May 10, May 17, 2024
Acceptance Notification: June 2, 2024
Workshop: July 2, 2024
Journal Publication
All the accepted papers of workshop are recommended to be published in the Data Science and Management (China FMS list, Scopus), and International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (ABDC journal, the official journal of AIS-SIG-ISAP).